The subconscious mind is the operating system, the part of us that runs about 95% of how we live our lives. When you drive your car, the subconscious mind is changing gears, checking mirrors, staying in the correct speed limit….all while you’re deciding what to have for dinner or singing along to a favourite song on the radio.

The subconscious mind is what allowed us as tiny, young humans to learn and grow so quickly. Up until the age of about 7, this part of us is like a sponge; watching, feeling, experiencing our external world. We learning to stand up, crawl, walk, eat, what to touch and not touch; how to interact with members of our family, how to get attention and how to get our needs and desires attented to. It’s nature’s way of speeding up the learing process. We literally are taking everything in, we have no conscious or analytical mind that can act as a barrier – and it is because of this that many, if not most of what holds us back in life has been in us since childhood.

And just to note here, this is not a blame game! What we learned as children from parents, care-givers, teachers, society is what we learned and if it no longer fits our ideals as adults, then it is our responsibilty to take ownership and move forward. Blaming our past is not going to change anything, blaming others is not going to change anything. We are free to make our choices and free to live from the past…..but we are also free to create our future and PSYCH-K® is how I can help you do that.

Here is a fantastic video from Dr. Bruce Lipton, a stem cell biologist and one of the founding modern-day scientists who speaks internationally on the importance of our beliefs and self-talk and the effects they have on lives, both internally and externally.

As a simple example, most of us as children were told “money doesn’t grow on trees” possibly hundreds of times. Now, while this is not a very profound statement on its own, the feelings and emotions around it were. We couldn’t possibly have understood the adult meaning behind it; there may have been frustration, fear, lack, uncertainty and it was likely a round-about way to help us understand the importance of money and not spending mindlessly. But as children, we very possibly developed a belief of “I don’t deserve to have what I want” or “Money causes anger”. We can understand now as adults, with our developed analytical minds what the statement means but back then, all we could go on was how it felt.

So, add on 20-30 years and money may still be an issue. It always seems to be a struggle, you can never really just get a grasp on it now matter how much you are earning. It always seems to cause friction or you’re afraid to spend much at all, in case it runs out.  And no matter how hard we try to make the changes, self sabbotage always seems to be appear

Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash