This quote from Marianne Williamson might not make a lot of sense to you. But if you think about it, we all know exactly what we don’t like about ourselves, what we don’t want in our lives.
But what if I asked you to tell me 3 things about yourself that are amazing, that you love?! (Your light)
It’s not easy. And I see it all the time in clinic working with my PSYCH-K clients. Asking someone how they want their life to be and more importantly how they want to be, often brings silence and confusion.
It is so important to know what trips us up, what is holding us back.
And this is why I love working with my clients through PSYCH-K…we get to dig into their dark/shadow side so that their light can be set free.
The potential to live your best life is inside you. We are living in a time where we need to shine and raise each other up.
If you’re stuck or can’t figure out what’s holding you, contact me.
But in the mean time….what is the one thing you love about yourself??? 

I’ll go first….I love that I am willing to face my fears (even if I feel like throwing up 😄)

Image from Canva