
We all want to change. We want a different job, we want a different partner, we want our bodies to look different, we want to live somewhere else.

And then….and only then will we be happy, then we will feel better, then our illness is get better. And very possibly for a while, everything will feel better. But slowly, the same scenarios start appearing; the same aches and pains begin to creep back in; the new partner has that same annoying habit as our ex!


Because WE have not changed!

What? But we’ve moved; we’ve changed jobs etc, etc…..yes and we dragged ourselves along for the ride. And that is the issue….we brought our past with us, we brought our past habits with us, our past feelings and emotions.

It is so easy to become consumed by the past…in fact we haven’t really been thought not to. We continually look at what someone did to us, the perceived mistakes we’ve made, the ‘bad’ decisions we’ve made. And hold on to them for dear life, because ‘it is who we are’! Who would we be without them?? 

And that is the question we should be asking ourselves.

Who would I be? What would I do? What would I feel? What would I create?

If we are stuck in the past, we cannot move forward, we cannot create….and that creates pain, it creates anxiety, it creates stagnation. 

Making the choice to let go is the first step to creating our future. I see it every day in clinic, people finding the strength within them to make new choices, to no longer be defined by their past. It is so tiring dragging the past around….it’s heavy! 

It takes bravery to do this and for most of us, we need support doing this. 

This is a process I am going through myself….being aware of the habits that hold me back, the habitual emotions that create the thoughts…” ah, I’ll start tomorrow, I’m tired”! and then beating myself up because I listened. (You all know these excuses).

But I want more for my future and I KNOW that you do too! I know you want to be free from your pain, free from chains that are holding you back.

AND I know that I can help you. To tell me your story and to see what I offer can create lasting change….

Your initial consultation is free. Come meet me in person and learn more.
Or, just call 01-5613014 and I will be happy to answer your questions.

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors. Full disclaimer