I just took 5 days completely off social media, something I hadn’t done in so long.
Honestly I’d become addicted to the scrolling, the comparing, the wondering if the next thing I posted would be seen and responded to.
I had lost myself and my connection to my heart.
I had forgotten the purpose of why I am doing what I am doing
I had somehow reverted to making it about me and had all but deleted being of service.
So from Wednesday last week until Sunday there was no Facebook and no Instagram.
It was so interesting to notice the automatic picking up of my phone and wanting to open the app. The roar from the egoic mind within that I needed to be on there, ‘because the life of my business depends on it’.
I think most who use social media as their main source of organic marketing have been at this stage more than once….and for anyone really who is on social media, we can become hijacked to its allure.
We never ‘need’ to reach this point, we always have a choice but sometimes an old identity really takes hold and drags us to our limit.
My mind was always on, my body was always on and my creativity had dropped dramatically.
So, it became obvious that it was time to get quiet. Time to go within and stop looking outside of myself for answers and guidance.
And over the last few days this has brought me back to my heart and I’ve also been reminded of the importance of this from multiple sources…some beautiful reminders that ‘we all have a heart’ and to live a life of magic we must create from there.
To come back into the zero-point of our heart is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.
💓 It begins to bring us back into coherence, quietens the mind, shifts us hormonally from sympathetic to parasympathetic responses.

💓 It reconnects us instantly back into our intuitive nature, making us available to the higher wisdom that guides us beautifully to our next obvious steps.

💓 It puts us back in our power, back into our Greatness!

💓 It allows to become ReDefined!

I’ve created a 7 minute guided meditation to guide you back to your zero-point, back into your Heart.
This is not a one and done, it takes practice and it needs to be used for it to be of benefit to you!
There will always be external disturbances and of course our lower identities will always attempt to battle the Higher Self Identities 😁 oh the joys of being subject to the universal laws!
But this meditation brings you back to zero point, raising you out of the swing of the pendulum, so realigning you energetically with your Higher Self.
This brings peace into your body and mind, so that you can then respond as the powerful Creator you are and so act and move from this higher place.
If you would love a copy of this meditation, please email me at transformwithjoanne@gmail.com