Photo by Dawid Zawila on Unsplash

I have set a challenge for myself to do a video every day for the next 7 days.

Because it’s time to get seriously uncomfortable.

Because it is time to leave the old self behind and to begin to create the person I truly want to be, to create the life I want, and most importantly so that I finally and truly be of service! So that I can be the practitioner, healer, guide that I know my soul wants me to be.

I added the video to Youtube, just because it’s easier that way….and as I have just found out it takes time to upload to it; which gave me ample time to have all the reasons as to why I shouldn’t dare share the video:
I look crap, the lighting is sh*t, I am rambling, no-one is going to care, everyone is going to judge me (Funny how no-one and everyone is going to have something to say!), what I am saying makes no sense, this is not going to pay the bills etc, etc, you get the picture!
(seriously though I do need to figure out lighting and look a little bit more presentable 🙃)

So I am posting it anyway….I am not going to let my fear hold me back. I have to break through the patterns of it for the reasons I have said above.
Over the next week I will be posting videos (my nervous system is not a happy camper about that idea, but that is ok!). I am nervous of doing this, I have no idea what is going to come from this….I am stepping in to the unknown. I am freeing myself from the past.

So, here’s the video

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